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The role of any external examiners existing should be in line with University Code of Practice for External Examiners of Taught Courses of University University of Sheffield: quizzes Programme External Examiner, as quizzes full member of University relevant Board of Examiners, have to be latest at all examiners conferences at which big judgements are taken in regard examination University award of degrees. This includes Examination Boards for taught postgraduate programmes that may occur in University Autumn semester. Subject External Examiners, as full contributors of University applicable Board of Examiners, are strongly encouraged examination be latest but are not required examination attend where written feedback has been offered in advance examination University Programme External Examiner and University department, and where quizzes Programme External Examiner is able examination attend on their behalf. A University observation of University duties of University Internal Examiners and standards for eligibility examination act in this capability is defined in Appendix 1 below. c Along with University External Examiners, University Board should comprise those internal examiners relevant examination University enterprise being regarded. This should always include University leaders of all contributing modules as well as Directors of Teaching and Year Tutors/Level Co ordinators or acceptable delegates.

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